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ISA Service-Learning in Galway, Ireland
(Outgoing Program)
** If you are applying for an external program, please note the U of A application deadline listed may be different than the external program provider's application deadline.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Study Abroad Advisor:
Bumpers College: Miranda Behrends, College of Architecture & Design: Brian Poepsel, College of Education & Health Professions: Miranda Behrends, College of Engineering: Madison Barnes, Fulbright College: Katie Sabo, Walton College: Kat Stoddard
Anthropology, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Business (Economics), Business (Finance), Business (General), Business (International), Business (Mktg & Logistics), Childhood Education, Communication, Community Health Promotion, Creative Writing, Dance, Drama, Education, English, European Studies, Fine Art, Food, Human Nutrition & Hsptly, Gender Studies, Geography, Health Science, Human Development & Family Sci, Humanities, International Relations, Journalism, Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Music, Photography, Psychology, Public Policy, Social Work, Sociology
ISA Service-Learning offers opportunities for you to make an impact in a community abroad, enhance your cultural competency, and develop key skills that you’ll use for the rest of your life.
Choosing Galway
Galway is known for its brightly colored cafes and pubs, boundless live music, eclectic street performers and world-class arts and entertainment. History and modernity unite in this city to create an ideal environment for discovering the essence of Ireland's culture, language and people. Galway is an incredible city for service-learning because it has a strong culture of student-driven service in the community.
Learning by Reflection
Learning does not happen as the result of an experience itself, but through intentional reflection upon an experience. Therefore, a vital part of service-learning is critical reflection through a guided curriculum.Learn More »