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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Program Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Restrictions: U of A applicants only
Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year U of A Application Deadline U of A Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 11/01/2024
Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Summer 2025 04/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Fall 2025 04/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA
Spring 2026 11/01/2025 ** Rolling Admission TBA TBA

** If you are applying for an external program, please note the U of A application deadline listed may be different than the external program provider's application deadline.

Indicates that deadline has passed
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Study Abroad Advisor: Bumpers College: Miranda Behrends, College of Architecture & Design: TBD, College of Education & Health Professions: Miranda Behrends, College of Engineering: Madison Barnes, Fulbright College: Katie Sabo, Walton College: Kat Stoddard Type of Program: External
Click here for a definition of this term Minimum GPA: 2.5 Credit Hours Available: 12 Credit Hours
Area of Study: Agri, Food & Life Sciences, Agri, Food & Life Sciences, Agricultural and Food Law, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Education, Agriculture Communications, Animal Science, Business (Agricultural), Crop Science, Earth Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Environmental Soil & Water Sci, Food Science, Food, Human Nutrition & Hsptly, Greek, Human Nutrition and Hospitality Innovation, Plant Science, Sustainability Program Duration: 6 weeks, Semester
Credit Type: Transfer Credit Language Courses Offered: Yes
Language of Instruction: English Open to non-U of A students?: No
Housing Options: Dorm COVID-19 Vaccination: Vendor strongly recommends (Perrotis);
Program Description:
Become acquainted with Greece while you study at Perrotis College! Learn Greek Dos and Don'ts and much more in our Cultural Orientation session. Try your hand at Greek cooking, language, and dancing sessions. City tours to discover Greece's rich history; museum visits that will leave you in awe; markets, organic farms, and vineyards that showcase the country's vast array of goods and products. All classes are taught in English, allowing study abroad students to learn alongside our full-time students from Greece and the Balkans

Fields of Study: Sustainable Agriculture and Management - Food Science and Technology  -  Agro - Business & Food Business Management 

Fall Term
Perrotis College Fall Term Program is a 12-week program, beginning in early October and ending around December 20th. Students enroll in 4 courses, totaling 12 credits (up to 15 credits available for an additional fee). In order to get fully immersed into Greek culture, all students are required to enroll in the Greek Cultural Experience course (3 credits). The remaining courses are chosen from our fields of study. See Course Descriptions on Perrotis website. New for Fall 2020: Climate Change
Spring Term
Perrotis College Spring Term Program is a 12-week program, beginning in late January and ending around April 20th. It allows students to enroll in 4 courses, totaling 12 credits (up to 15 credits available for an additional fee). In order to get fully immersed into Greek culture, all students are required to enroll in the Greek Cultural Experience
course (3 credits). The remaining courses are chosen from our fields of study. See Course Descriptions on Perrotis website. 
Summer Term
Perrotis College Summer Term Program is a 6-week program, beginning in late May until the end of June. Students may earn up to 6 credits. A no credit option is also available. In order to get fully immersed into Greek culture, all students are required to enroll in the Greek Cultural Experience course and choose to enroll in one of the following programs:
6–week Intensive Courses: 
Wine Business: From Ancient Local Tradition to Modern International Industry

Research Internship: Students conduct research with other like-minded individuals in our new, modern laboratories, our educational farm or fields under the supervision of a research supervisor.

 Work Internship: Students enroll as work interns in one of our educational farm units; including our Dairy Farm unit, Poultry unit, Horticulture unit and Dairy Processing Lab. Balkans.  

Spring 2021 flyer.pdf

Cow kiss.lab workPerrotis college